Education board

Milana Kovačević (Head teacher)

Marko Gašić

Prof. Goran Mašanović

Olga Stanojlović MBE

Slađana Stevanović

Biljana Kovačević 

Dobrila Kostić

Marko Gasic

Marko Gasic is the president of the Church Council of the parish of St. Sava in London, where he grew up. He attended the Sunday school of St. Sava, and his son has followed in his footsteps. Marko has been engaged on the promotion and indeed defence of Serbian history and culture for some three decades, having graduated in Modern European History with languages at the University of Sussex, a period of study which included a year spent studying at Belgrade University’s Faculty of Philology. Marko was editor of the seminal WW1 work “Folly and Malice: The Habsburg Empire, the Balkans and the start of World War One”, which has been critically-acclaimed internationally. As a specialist in international relations he has appeared over five hundred times on television and radio world-wide, been published many times in the press, spoken at many meetings including in Parliament and been a main speaker in debates at the Oxford Union and Cambridge Union.

Olga Stanojlović, MBE

Olga Stanojlović was born in Wiltshire to parents who came to Britain after WW2. She completed a history degree and teacher training at the University of Warwick and soon afterwards joined the British Council where she held a variety of posts and where she was Director of Education in Schools at the time of her early retirement in 2010. Olga was awarded an MBE in 2001 for her work in education and developing relations with Africa and Eastern Europe. She is a founder member of the Serbian Council of Great Britain (SCGB) and has been Chair of SCGB since 2015. Olga has led the Council’s work on the Serbian language since 2011 and is Chair of the Round Table Working Group on the Serbian Language. She is trustee of a number of charities and organisations including the Father Nikolich’s Settlement Trust, the Ladies Guild of the Serbian Orthodox Church, The British Serbian Benevolent Fund, The Thames Festival and is a non-executive director of the Big Ideas Company.

Prof. Goran Mashanovich

Goran Mashanovich is a Professor of Photonics and a former Royal Society Research Fellow (2008-2016) at the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC), University of Southampton, UK.

He received Dipl. Ing. and MSc in Optoelectronics from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, as the best student in the generation, and PhD in Silicon Photonics and MSc in innovative teaching from the University of Surrey, UK. He is head of the ORC Silicon photonics group.

Prof. Mashanovich is author of 450 publications in the field of Photonics and is currently investigator on grants totalling >£20 million. Goran is also a visiting professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Belgrade.

Prof. Mashanovich has received several awards for his innovative teaching and was named the best lecturer at both University of Surrey and University of Southampton in 2010 and 2019, respectively.

He is married and has three children who were attending lessons at St Sava Church School from 2004 to 2019. Afterwards, they completed A-level equivalent Azbukum courses. 

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89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




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