Sunday school enrolment for 2024/25

Dear Parents,

St Sava Church School is a vibrant, friendly school which this year celebrates 62 years of teaching Serbian language. It offers both class-based and online Serbian lessons to children of between two and twelve years old.

We warmly invite you to enrol your child/ren at St Sava's on Sunday 8th September from 12:00 to 14:00. Enrolment will take place in the School at 89 Lancaster Rd, London W11 1QQ.

Teaching will start on 15th September 2024

All class-based lessons take place in our purpose-built classrooms at the same address.

You can also enrol your child/ren by filling in the enrolment form:

Form in Serbian

Form in English

and emailing it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

St Sava Church School 1962 - 2024

St Sava Church School is a vibrant, friendly school which this year celebrates 62 years of teaching Serbian language. It offers both class-based and online Serbian lessons to children of between five and twelve years old.

Our curriculum is rich and broad. We build on programmes developed in Serbia and accredited by the Serbian Ministry of Education. The programs are interactive and also provide a platform for children to independently practice their Serbian at home. In addition, we are fortunate to have teachers that have qualified in both the UK and Serbia. With their collective experience, knowledge, and understanding of child development and language acquisition, our teaching staff supports the diverse needs of pupils from 5 years onwards, whatever their level of Serbian. All our pupils are taught the Cyrillic script, in a style adapted to meet their individual needs.

Central to the St Sava School ethos is the continued building and development of our community. Friendships are broadened and solidified by school outings as well as by performances highlighting the children which happen on special days such as St. Sava’s Day and Vidovdan. Furthermore, our school is supported by an active and motivated Parents Association whose hard work is contributing to the development of our classroom facilities.

Most importantly, our children enjoy coming to the school which is most important for their learning, engagement and motivation. 

"Mika" book launch with Jelena Angelovski - 12 October 2024

We are pleased to announce the book launch event for the novel “Mika” with the author Jelena Angelovski. During the event, we will talk about the novel, our heritage language and bilingualism in our children growing up abroad.

Jelena Angelovski is a mum, a Serbian language teacher and an author for children growing up bilingually.

“Mika” is Jelena’s first novel, but also potentially the first major Serbian novel in modern times focussed on the topic of growing up abroad.

Join us in conversation on this topic that is common to all of us.

This event is both for children and grown-ups.

Saturday, 12 October 2024.
16 – 18h

Bishop Nikolaj Hall
89 Lancaster Road
London W11 1QQ

Free entrance!

Please register for the event via Eventbrite website. Registration is not compulsory; we just want to know roughly how many people to expect.

*This event is part of the project entitled “Creating positive experiences in and emotional associations to Serbian language in our children who are growing up in the UK: The novel “Mika” and workshops with Jelena Angelovski”. This project is co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, the Office for collaboration with diaspora and Serbian people in the region.

Archaeological sites in Serbia

Serbia is home to a wealth of archaeological treasures that span a vast expanse of human history, reflecting the region’s rich cultural heritage and strategic significance throughout the ages. From the earliest days of human settlement in the Mesolithic period to the grandeur of the Roman Empire and the architectural marvels of the Byzantine era, Serbia’s archaeological sites offer a unique window into the diverse civilizations that have thrived in this part of the Balkans. Among the most significant sites - Lepenski Vir, Vinča, Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad), Sirmium, Viminacium, Caričin Grad (Justiniana Prima), and Mediana - each tells a compelling story of human ingenuity, cultural evolution, and historical transformation.

Vidovdan celebration - 30th June 2024

The traditional Vidovdan celebration will take place in the Bishop Nikolaj Hall from 12.15pm on 30th June. Apart from the pupils of our school, St Sava choir and a folklore group will also take part in the event. Entrance is free, and those who would like to make donations will be able to do so in the Hall before or after the event.

All are welcome!
Educational Board

School drama club

Thank you to all of the parents who sent an email registering your interest in our school drama club. After reviewing the responses, we have decided to run the club on Sunday afternoons from 2:15 to 3:00 pm. We are pleased to offer our first drama club session on Sunday, June 16th. Our drama club promises to be an enjoyable and enriching experience for all participants. If you would like your child to attend at this time, please let us know. 

Velika sala baner

Hall rental




News and events


St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




If you want to make a payment directly to the account of the SOC, please go to DIRECT PAYMENTS page.