Fellowship of St Alypius Stylite sent help to Kosovo and Metohija
The Fellowship of Saint Alypius Stylite of the Serbian Orthodox Church of Saint Sava in London has been doing charity work for nearly 30 years, assisting our community and raising funds for different charities. In February this year, members of the Fellowship organised a cake sale in Saint Nikolaj’s Hall. Half of the £2,050 that was raised on this occasion was donated to the People’s Kitchen in Kosovo and Metohija and the other half will be delivered in March to the monastery of Saint Petka (Paraskeva) of Izvor, near Paracin in Serbia who look after children with special needs.
News published on the People's Kitchen web site.
All parishioners who wish to know more about the Fellowship of Saint Alypius and get involved with their work can contact the clergy of the Saint Sava Church in London.