Vidovdan 2016: A Commemoration of the Centenary of ‘Kossovo Day’ 1916 in Britain

The Embassy of the Republic of Serbia and the Serbian Council of Great Britain invite you to:

Vidovdan 2016: A Commemoration of the Centenary of 'Kossovo Day' 1916 in Britain

At 7 pm on 28th June 2016 in Committee Room 16, Houses of Parliament

On 28 June 1916, Britain commemorated 'Kossovo Day'. The Manchester Guardian wrote, 'In all the strange developments of wartime there can hardly be anything of such curious significance as Kossovo Day as it is being kept this year. That in London and Manchester and other English cities people should meet and demonstrate in memory of a battle which occurred in the Balkans 527 years ago – here surely is an extraordinary thing'.

At this event, Jenny Blake will present a talk on 'Kossovo Day' 1916 in Britain after which there will be a chance for audience members to ask questions. Jenny, a retired NHS worker from Southampton, first went to Serbia in 2007 to take supplies to refugees. Her visit awakened her interest in Serbia and the Balkans and as she devoured every history book she could find on the region, especially those relating to World War One, her research led her to the intriguing story of the commemoration of 'Kossovo Day' in 1916 in Britain.

Alongside Jenny's talk, Marija Pavlovic Allport will read a selection of Serbian WW1 poems and Zivorad Nickolic will perform Serbian WW1 songs on the accordion.

The event is hosted by Stuart Andrew, Vice Chair All Party Parliamentary Group on Serbia.

RSVP 24th June to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(The location has changed from Committee Room 5 to Committee Room 16 and may change again so please check the precise location on the day)

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