Grenfell Tower

The whole world has seen the devastating images of the tragic fire which engulfed the Grenfell Tower in North Kensington, near St. Sava Church. Great tragedy sparked disbelief and sadness, but also united the people, especially in Kensington, who have joined forces to help the victims of the fire. Our church has from day one offered all possible help to the emergency services in dealing with the tragedy, including Great Hall space and the cooking and preparing of meals for the survivors at our premises. 

Food, hygiene and clothes have been pouring in, some collection centers have stopped collecting them, but in the days to come, any help will be welcome. For updates as how to help please visit 

We invite all our parishioners to come to church on Sunday and donate selflessly. Cash contributions are now most needed. Let us share our Christian love and compassion towards those who now suffer, by giving.

For those who would like to donate but cannot come to the Church on Sunday, please see the following link: 

We will keep you informed when we get specific instructions on how our Church can help.

Church Congregational Council of St Sava

Velika sala baner

Hall rental




News and events


St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




If you want to make a payment directly to the account of the SOC, please go to DIRECT PAYMENTS page.