New school initiative

His Eminence Bishop Dositej recently wrote to us with guidelines on improving and advancing the work of the Church School. His Eminence particularly emphasised the fact that current conditions opened up the possibility of extending the reach of the Church school across Britain and Ireland, using the latest teaching technologies to offer modernised tuition in Serbian language, religion, culture and history via programmes accredited in Serbia.

In line with Bishop Dositej’s concept of how things could and should develop, the new team at the Sunday school will make an official announcement shortly concerning the work of the school from September 2021. We therefore invite the parents of those children who have been going to Church school up to now, together with other parents who would like their own children to be taught by the new school team from September, to join us in discussion on this, by Zoom at 18:00 on Saturday 10th July 2021. During this meeting, we will clarify matters concerning the work of the School from September 2021.

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Meeting ID: 937 1494 2856
Passcode: skola

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St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




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