Serbian Sunday school starts nationwide on 19th September 2021

Dear parishioners,

We are pleased to announce that starting this year our Serbian Orthodox Church of St. Sava Sunday school for children aged 5-12 will cover all of Britain and Ireland. Serbian language will be the main subject. You can enrol your children here in London by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 020 7727 8367, or by coming to the London community centre (89 Lancaster Road, London, W11 1QQ) on the 5th or 12th September from 12 to 2pm.

Face-to-face classroom teaching will continue as before, on Sundays and possibly Saturdays according to demand. These weekend lessons will be complemented by a mid-week online refresher. Those children that cannot attend the school classrooms will have the option of purely online study. All pupils will additionally be able to access our interactive online platform whenever they wish (educational games, puzzles, etc).

Specially trained teachers are being employed to deliver the programme and parents will be encouraged to play a role and get involved in the life of the school, for example via a parents’ council . An Educational board led by the school Co-ordinator has also been formed to ensure high-quality teaching delivery and an enjoyable learning experience for your child.

The school will be using modern technologies and best practice pedagogic approaches and will foster new links between Serbian communities nationwide, for children and parents alike. It will also co-operate with other initiatives in this respect: for example with Azbukum Centre in Serbia, which has over recent years developed a programme for teaching Serbian as a second language all over the world. This programme has been formally accredited in Serbia, and is primarily aimed at Serbian diaspora communities such as ours. The course has been constructed so as to be accessible and interesting to children. It is also aligned with the Round Table of Serbian organisations’ Azbukum course for older children, aged 12-17. (please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for further information if your child is in this 12+ age group).

Further information:

Teaching for children aged 5-12: 

Teaching for children aged 12-17: 


Velika sala baner

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St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




If you want to make a payment directly to the account of the SOC, please go to DIRECT PAYMENTS page.