Summer school of the Serbian language - Niksic and Budva July 2023

Matica srpska – Association of Members in Montenegro with associates (Municipality of Nikšić and NGO “Friends of Nikšić”) cordially invites you to participate in the Summer School of Serbian Language, which will be organized from 9 July to 31 July 2023 in Nikšić and Budva.

The school is intended for students of Serbian language (European and world universities), the Serbian diaspora and all interested people over 18 years of age. Lectures will include learning the Serbian language (ekavian and ijekavian pronunciation, speaking skills, writing, grammatical and lexical system) and will be organized on three levels (beginner, intermediate and advanced). Lectures by university professors in the field of Serbian literature, film, history of Serbs and Serbian language, history of Montenegro, art, science, religion are also planned… This year, just like they did previously, the organisers will try to offer high-quality and diverse contents, so many extracurricular activities will be organised – visiting the Montenegrin coast (Budva from 26-30 July), tour of Zabljak and Black Lake, Skadar Lake, visit to the Ostrog monastery, and tour of cultural and historical sites of Montenegro, poetry and film evenings, festivals, concerts, learning folk dances … A short film about the Summer School of Serbian Language 2022 is available HERE.

Attendees will be accommodated in double and triple rooms at the Onogošt Hotel (with a possible surcharge for a single room). Rooms are air conditioned, have a private bathroom, TV, refrigerator, internet. Meals (two meals a day) are provided in the hotel restaurant.

Interested candidates should fill in the application form (which can be downloaded at the link and send a short motivation letter (up to 1,000 characters). The motivation letter could be written in Serbian, English, or Russian. The requested data should be sent to the e-mail address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by April 30, 2023 at the latest. The organisers will inform you immediately after the application whether you have been accepted, and by May 5, 2023 at the latest. The number of participants is limited to 30. All participants who pass the final test receive diplomas from Matica Srpska – Association of Members in Montenegro for successfully completed Summer School.

Instead of paying the full price of accommodation, food, tuition and extracurricular programs, each participant will pay 350 euros, and the rest of the costs will be covered by the organiser (Matica Srpska – Association of Members in Montenegro) with associates (Municipality of Niksic and NGO “Friends of Nikšić”) and sponsors. Participants bear the costs of travel and health insurance.

For all additional information about our Summer School, you can contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




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