Collaboration with Primary School "Milovan Glišić" from Valjevo

Prof. Goran Mashanovich, member of the School Education Board was in Serbia during December 2022 and had a series of talks and visits to various institutions. At the invitation of the management of the elementary school "Milovan Glišić" from Valjevo, he visited this school, which was founded in 1961, as the sixth primary school in the city of Valjevo. The school has over 600 pupils and since 2019 is located in a new building equipped with modern classrooms, labs and teaching aids. In 2019, the Diocese of Valjevo awarded the school with the Order of Saint Bishop Nikolaj for "fostering the spirit of Saint Sava and for excellent organisation on the occasion of the consecration of the new building".

Prof. Mashanovich had the opportunity to visit the school and see of the quality of teaching, to talk with the school's management, led by the head teacher Nataša Badovinac, and to learn about the plans for future work. On this occasion, the "Milovan Glišić" school sent books and teaching materials to our school, and mutual visits and exchange of experiences are planned in the future.

Commenting on this visit, prof. Mashanovich said: "I am really looking forward to establishing collaboration with the "Milovan Glišić" school and I believe that it will be very useful for our children in London. I was received extremely nicely by the management and teachers of the school, we talked about teaching not only the Serbian language, and I also attended some classes and had the opportunity to exchange experiences with the teachers. I want to express my gratitude to the "Milovan Glišić" school for the books and teaching materials we received as a gift. This collaboration is one in a series through which our school expands its educational network. After establishing collaboration with various initiatives in Britain, last summer our school began collaboration with a Serbian school from San Diego (USA), and the "Milovan Glišić" school is the first school from Serbia with which contact was made. St Sava Church school continues to show its openness to the exchange of experiences and the spread of good practice in teaching, and its commitment to the promotion of our language, culture and faith in collaboration with other schools in Serbia and around the world, because together we can do a lot."

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