Memorial Service - 29th September 2018
On 29th September the Church of St Sava held a memorial service for its founders and benefactors and the Circle of Serbian Sisters "Kosovo Maiden" were honoured to acts as hosts for this memorial event. This year special attention was paid to Lady Paget a great benefactress of our church on the 60th anniversary of her passing. After the memorial service, the Circle was delighted to have Mr Milan Grba (a curator from the British Library) to give a talk on Lady Paget and a fascinating insight into this exceptional woman. Mr Grba's engrossing talk was accompanied by an exhibition on Lady Paget and women in the First World War curated by Ms Zvezdana Popovic. Refreshments were provided by a number of Sisters for all the guests.
The Circle of Serbian Sisters would like to take this opportunity to thank Milan Grba for his illuminating and captivating talk, Zvezdana Popovic for her interesting exhibition and Choirmaster Zorka Maksimovic for making the ceremonial wheat for the service as well as the never ceasing help and support of Nemanja and Ljilja Subotinovic in making this event happen.
Tijana Delic, CSS president