Manager of the Serbian Community Club

Dear parishioners

It is our great pleasure to inform you of the selection of Mr Filip Jovanovic for the management position at the Serbian Community Club.

Born in 1987 in Smederevo and a teacher of English language, Filip graduated from Belgrade University with BA and masters degrees and a graduate qualification in "Hotel and Tourism". Having moved to London last year, Filip has been a Church-goer ever since. It is our belief that he will bring great enthusiasm to the running of the restaurant and the organizing of our cultural events. Going forward, he has also shown willingness and readiness to work for the benefit of our community, stressing the importance of taking care of our youth, their parents, and also the older members of our parish.

As a result of the above reorganization, we were not able to offer our usual restaurant services during the holiday period and in September. We therefore take this opportunity to express our sincere apologies for that as well as our thanks to you for your patience and understanding during that difficult period . Going forward, starting from 1st October, we will be doing all we can to ensure that our upcoming social happenings are appreciated by everybody. We will strive to keep you informed of all our events, so please do regularly check our web site.

It is our hope that you will make the Serbian Club your favourite meeting-place. Its success is important to our community, and we can only make it happen together. Parishioners’ comments and suggestions in this respect are of course appreciated.

All of us share a common goal to bring an increased sense of purpose, joy and love into our lives, and the restaurant we hope will play an important part in this by enabling the positive interaction and socializing within its doors of all generations of Serbians in London.

Church Congregational Council
and Trustees of Bishop Nikolaj Fund

London 24th September 2017

Velika sala baner

Hall rental




News and events


St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




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