Vocal ensemble "Constantine" from Niš, Serbia

The vocal ensemble "Constantine" from the city of Niš, Serbia will perform in St Sava Church (89/91 Lancaster Road, London, W11 1QQ) on Tuesday 6th February 2018 from 7.30pm. Tickets £10. 

The ensemble was formed in October 2008 by a group of chamber music enthusiasts and musicians in order to approach this music genre in a new way. Constantine’s diverse program is based on the works of Serbian and international musicians working in ethno, pop, rock, jazz, film, and church music. The program is focused on klapa singing as an attempt to surpass the borders of the convectional. For that reason Constantine’s repertoire includes various pieces from the whole of the XX century as well as different musical melodies that were written even earlier and belong to the ethno and church music traditions. The program consists of both original musical arrangements and new arrangements written by the members of the group. Constantine’s goal is promotion and affirmation of all chamber and non-traditional vocal ensembles as well as the preservation of music culture in Niš, Serbia and beyond. 

Velika sala baner

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St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367
E-mail: crkva@spclondon.org.uk




If you want to make a payment directly to the account of the SOC, please go to DIRECT PAYMENTS page.