Circle of Serbian Sisters “Kosovo Maiden”

On the occasion of The Assumption in 1903 a group of ladies in Belgrade met and decided to form a cultural and humane society. A charter was created for this group, whose aim was to extend as much help to the needy and suffering in Serbia and Macedonia and later, once the group had developed, to help all subjugated Serbs wherever they may be. Branislav Nusic, a renowed Serbian author, suggested that the organisation be called the Circle of Serbian Sisters. The main founders of the group were Nadezda Petrovic, Delfa Ivanic and Savka Subotic. Savka Subotic was the first President of the Circle. Queen Mother Marija later became its patron.

During the Balkan Wars and the First World War, the Circle worked tirelessly and cared for the wounded up until the arrival of Communism when it was banned and all its properties confiscated. After the fall of Communism the Circle was restored and is active to this day.

After the Second World War, many Serbs immigrated to London and the women started to help the church and their community. They called themselves “Ladies who help the Church”. They had the support of Father Miloje Nikolic, the rector of the Serbian Church in London. In 1963 they officially formed the Circle of Sisters and in 1984, upon the suggestion of Mrs Andja Dinic, the Circle decided to call itself the “Kosovo Maiden”.

The first President was Mrs Ljuba Obradovic and after her Mrs Tupanjanin, Mrs Mijuskovic, Mrs Misic, Mrs Steric, Mrs Jovanovic, Mrs Srejic, Ms Pavicevic and Mrs Duvnjak. The current President is Mrs Mirjana Zivanovic.

The Circle works tirelessly and helps the church in London as well as those back home, especially in Krajina, Bosnia, Slavonia and Kosovo & Metohija. They have helped churches and monasteries, in particular the building of the St Sava Cathedral in Belgrade. The name of our Circle has been engraved on the donors’ panel.

The Circle’s ‘slava’ (Saint’s Day) is St Emperor Constantine and Empress Jelena.

The Circle has 70 members, the majority of whom are pensioners. For this reason we appeal to the younger ladies to join the Circle and continue the kind and selfless work of the previous generation.

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