Ascension of our Lord
The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on the fortieth day after the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha (Easter). Since the date of Pascha changes each year, the date of the Feast of the Ascension changes. The Feast is always celebrated on a Thursday. The Feast itself commemorates when, on the fortieth day after His Resurrection, Jesus led His disciples to the Mount of Olives, and after blessing them and asking them to wait for the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, He ascended into heaven.
St Cyril and Methodius
They were brothers from Salonica, of eminent and wealthy parents, Leo and Maria. The elder brother, Methodius, spent ten years as an officer among the Slavs in Macedonia, and thus learned the Slavic language. After that, Methodius went off to Olympus and gave himself to monastic asceticism, and Cyril (Constantine) later joined him there. When the Khazarite king, Kagan, sought preachers of the Christian faith from the Emperor Michael, the Emperor commanded that these two brothers be found and sent to the Khazars. They converted Kagan to the Christian faith and baptised him, together with a great number of his nobles and an even greater number of the people.

Lecture by Dr. Biljana Pirgić - 13th June 2024
St. Sava Church school in London organises the lecture
"Our children, us and modern times"
Dr. Biljana Pirgić - Child and adolescent psychotherapist from Belgrade
Thursday, 13th June 2024, 7:30 pm, Bishop Nikolaj Hall
- What does contribute to a child's development?
- What is the key period in development?
- What should the parent-child relationship be like?
- Why should parents work on themselves?
- How to overcome the challenges of modern times?
The lecture is intended for parents who have children of different ages, from babies to teenagers, and is designed to be interactive.

St Basil of Ostrog
Basil was born in Popovo Polje in Herzegovina, in Mrkonjici village near Trebinje, of simple and devout parents. From his youth he was filled with love for the Church of God, and when he grew up he went to the monastery of the Dormition of the Mother of God at Trebinje, and became a monk. As such, he quickly became known for his serious and rare ascetic life, for he loaded himself with ascetic practices, each harder than the last.