Commendation for our pupil on "Cyrillic Days 2024"

Congratulations to our pupil Luca Dragin and his teacher Jelena Đorđijevski for their successful participation in the "Dani Ćirlice 2024" competition, where Luka received a commendation. The Children's Assembly "Cyrillic Days" was launched in 2002 with the aim to contribute to the preservation of Serbian cultural heritage, language, songs and dances, old crafts, customs and Christian Orthodox faith. About 30,000 students from more than 500 primary and secondary schools from Serbia, Republika Srpska, Croatia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Albania, Austria, Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, China, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, America, Canada and the Russian Federation have taken part so far. "Cyrillic Days" are supported by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Culture and the Municipality of Kovin.

Lecture by Dr. Biljana Pirgić - 13th June 2024

St. Sava Church school in London organises the lecture

"Our children, us and modern times"

Dr. Biljana Pirgić - Child and adolescent psychotherapist from Belgrade

Thursday, 13th June 2024, 7:30 pm, Bishop Nikolaj Hall

  • What does contribute to a child's development?
  • What is the key period in development?
  • What should the parent-child relationship be like?
  • Why should parents work on themselves?
  • How to overcome the challenges of modern times?

The lecture is intended for parents who have children of different ages, from babies to teenagers, and is designed to be interactive.

Sports day - 8th June 2024

This year, our school joins the celebration of Cross RTS, which was founded 34 years ago. From a one-day international competition held for 17 years in Sremska Mitrovica, it has grown into a year-round sports and educational-artistic event. Along with the RTS Cross Country "Across Serbia", the RTS Cross Country "In the Diaspora" is also held. Races will be held all over the world.

We invite all students and parents to join us on 8th June in Holland Park at 10:00 am for our school's Sports Day. Students will have the opportunity to run Cross RTS and compete in other sports activities and games.

We are looking forward to seeing you all and enjoying all of the sports activities.

Saint Sava Church School Easter market - 28th April 2024

On Sunday, 28th April 2024, the school Easter market was held. It was great to see so many smiles and happiness, and beautiful handmade decorations prepared by the pupils and their teachers, which parents and parishioners looked at with interest. All income collected at the market will be used to improve teaching in our school.

A big thank you to the children who worked hard with their teachers, parents for their support, and everyone who helped this event in any way!

Serbian language lessons for adults

Saint Sava Church School in London offers Serbian language classes for adults. This school year we have created a group for beginners and classes are held on Sunday afternoons. Individual lessons are also possible. Interested parishioners who want to improve their Serbian or learn the basics can contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Church School's celebration of St Sava - 4th February 2024

On Sunday, 4th February 2024, after the Holy Liturgy, which will be served by His Eminence Metropolitan of Montenegro and the Coastlands Joanikije, a St Sava performance will take place. Pupils of the St Sava Church School in London, the youngest folklore groups, Zorka Maksimović and Vesna Stanojević will take part, and the final speech will be given by Metropolitan Joanikije. Welcome!

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St.Sava church adress:
89 Lancaster Road
W11 1QQ
Telephone: 020 7727 8367




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