Blessings from bishop Dositej
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you shall have distress: but have confidence, I have overcome the world (Jn.16.33)
As I have not personally, for a long time now, had the opportunity to visit you, my dear diocesans; I am approaching you in this manner at the time of the Corona virus pandemic.
The pandemic has had a particularly hard impact on you in the United Kingdom such that your government has recently imposed new isolation measures in order to prevent the spread of the virus.
The consequences of the virus affect every person and every family and particularly impacted are those who have lost their loved ones. The pain of such losses is heightened with not being allowed to organise traditional funerals in order to bid the most dignified farewells to their loved ones. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest condolences to those families.
Many have unfortunately been left without jobs and may be suffering hardship, whilst others are endeavouring with hard work to keep their employment so that they can provide their families with their basic needs. Others who may follow the sometimes disturbed political occurrences in the world may fear instability and civil disorder. Many are fighting with anxiety because of isolation and inability to meet with friends and family.
The prayers of our Church and my thoughts are with you all, with the desire that you resist temptation and place your faith in Him who can help you. And he is Christ.
That your faith might not stand on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God (1. Cor. 2.5)
I warmly recommend that you visit your churches and to take there your rays of prayer for us to be sustained in health and good spiritual disposition. It’s particularly important to meet at Holy Liturgies which are a pledge to our eternal life; clearly when the laws allow and in the manner prescribed by the powers that be.
When you are prohibited from going to a Holy Liturgy, then redouble your personal prayers at home as you would in a church. I ask you to take care of your personal health as the unique gift that God has given you, and care for the health of those closest to you, as you do your own.
Upon us is the season of great Church celebrations and family saint days. Celebrate your “Slavas”, this year with your families and of course with incense, a candle and a blessed Slava bread. Throughout our history our people have had hard times but we have always maintained our “Slavas” and the “Slavas” have helped to maintain us.
It’s necessary that in these times when personal visits are impossible that you contact those closest to you by phone or letter and especially the elderly for whom isolation is the greatest burden. A kind word of consolation and prudence which you offer them follow Gospel commandment which says
Bear ye one another’s burdens; and so you shall fulfil the law of Christ (Gal. 6.2)
For all spiritual advice and discussion and other such needs please refer to your parish priests who are your guides through prayer and your representatives before God and they will make time and effort to be of service as they do in the service of God.
God bless you, and grant you faith, hope and love.
Bishop Dositej, The monastery of the Intercession of the Holy Virgin
5 November 2020

Christian Life as a Work of Art - Fr Deacon David-John Williams
The Fellowship of Saint Alypius the Stylite is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Speaker: Fr Deacon David-John Williams
Topic: Christian Life as a Work of Art (in English)
Time: Thursday, 29th October 2020 19:00 London (20:00 in Serbia).
Announcement to all parishioners - 4th November 2020
Dear parishioners,
Due to the new Government restrictions related to the coronavirus pandemic, we are very sorry to inform you that from November 5th 2020 services will be celebrated without parishioners' participation. The Sacraments of Baptism (except in cases of mortal threat to life) and Weddings are temporarily suspended.
St Sava Church will be open for visits and individual prayers every day from 9.00am to 1.00pm. All believers who wish to come for a private prayer are welcome. Priests will be available for a conversation or a prayer every weekend and on feast days.
The blessing of Slavski Kolac will be done from 9.00 to 13.00. We kindly ask that just one of your family brings the cake to the Church in order to avoid crowds and stick to the rule of individual prayer. All who come to the Church are obliged to wear a face mask, and the priests will be wearing them, for the food is blessed during the sacrament that will be served to the family.
We are prevented from celebrating our St Patron's Day (Slava) with "kumovi" and friends, but we need to observe and honor our Patron saints with our hearts and souls with our families at home, at "Home Church". May God’s blessings be upon all of you and your families, with the prayerful intercession of the Saint you celebrate, the protector of your home and family.
For any queries please call the office or priests on their mobile phones.
These measures will continue until further notice from the Government.
London 4th November 2020.
Church Congregation Council

Vera Stanojlović
Vera Stanojlović, a longstanding member of the Serbian community in Britain recently celebrated her one hundredth birthday on the 14th October 2020. Covid restrictions meant that she was only able to celebrate with the five closest members of her family. However, her friends and family from across the world, sent her beautiful video messages which were collated and played to her on the day and so she did not feel that she had missed out because of the pandemic.