Patriarchal Paschal Encyclical 2020
The Serbian Orthodox Church to her spiritual children at Pascha, 2020
By the Grace of God
Orthodox Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade Karlovci and Serbian Patriarch, with all the Hierarchs of the Serbian Orthodox Church to all the clergy, monastics, and all the sons and daughters of our Holy Church: grace, mercy and peace from God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with the joyous Paschal greeting:
Christ is Risen!
This is the day of Resurrection; let us be illumined by the feast!
Let us embrace each other joyously! Let us say even to those
who hate us: Let us forgive all by the Resurrection;
and so let us cry: Christ is risen from the dead,
trampling down death by death,
and upon those in the tombs bestowing life!
[The Stichera of Pascha from Matins]
Here we are, dear brothers and sisters and dear spiritual children, in the festivity and joy of the great Feast Day: Pascha. Today is the Feast Day of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Let us rejoice and celebrate! Pascha is our greatest feast day, the feast of the victory of Life over death, God over Satan, Man, in Christ Jesus, over sin. Christ is risen from the dead! Let us say it to all and make glad all and everyone, even those who hate Him, the Resurrected God Man, and us, His inheritance here on earth, and those who do not believe and still doubt that He is the Redeemer and Savior of the world.
Parish council statement - 11th April 2020
Dear parishioners,
Gathered as we are in our family homes, Christ’s Resurrection slowly approaches to cross our porches and enter our hearts and souls. Today is Lazarus Saturday, tomorrow is Palm Sunday and next week is Passion Week which culminates in Christ’s and our Resurrection from the dead. These, the most important feast days in our calendars find us, as the rest of the world, in a strange situation of self-isolation and battle against the corona virus. Since the media is competing to highlight the most tragic corona news worldwide, we feel certain you have already heard more than enough about the problems and hardships caused by the virus. We recommend that in your prayers to the Lord, mother of God and the saints you ask for and find good health and salvation.
Holy Week 2020 at St Sava Church in London
Great Friday
Great Thursday
Great Wednesday
Bishop Dositej's statement - 22th March 2020
Smedjerid Monastery, 22nd March 2020.
To the pious priesthood and all brothers and sisters of the eparchate of Britain and Scandinavia in the Great Britain
In these our days we bear witness to the pandemic of the corona virus and to its effect on the modern world, which is undergoing crisis and tragedy of a depth not seen since the horror and destruction of world war. To greater or lesser degree this pandemic has indeed affected the whole world, and we are informed by experts in medicine that the worst days and months are yet to come upon us. This great tribulation has clearly been released upon peoples and nations in order that we might reassess our relations towards others, towards those closest to us, towards nature and generally towards the world in which we live. For there can be no doubt that it is human pridefulness and greed which lies at the root of this unparalleled crisis. These times in which we live demand of us a sober response to the newly-arisen situation, that we might remain completely calm and without fear, focused on the Lord himself, guided by our love for those close to us and for all mankind, indeed towards all of God’s creation.