Announcement to all parishioners - 1st July 2020
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
This is to inform all our parishioners that as from Saturday, 4th July 2020, the UK Government will allow the churches to be open to the faithful in order to celebrate the Holy Liturgy.
The Holy Liturgy will be celebrated as per the usual timetable, namely - on Saturdays, Sundays and feast days at 10am. The church will also be open on:
- Mondays to Fridays 9am - 1pm and 6pm - 8pm
- Saturdays 9am - 1pm and 6pm - 8pm
- Sundays 9am - 3pm
Please note that the most we are allowed to have in the church at present is 80 people.
Please check our website for the list of services.

Conversations on faith - Orthodox Mission in Loitokitok, Tanzania
Fellowship of Saint Alypius the Stylite (of Saint Sava's parish in London) is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Orthodox Mission in Loitokitok (Town in Tanzania)
Time: Thursday, 11th June, 2020 07:00 PM London (9.00 PM East Africa)
The guest of the Fellowship of St Alypius the Stylite this week is Fr. Mark Mwangi Kibui, from parish of Sts Helen and Constantine, Greek Orthodox Church in Kenya, a part of the Alexandria Patriarchate, who also has an orphanage of 54 children.
Please join us, everyone is welcome.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 937 4638 7577
Password: 932233

Online series on monasteries
The Orthodox Fellowship of St John the Baptist have planned a six week series of presentations about different monasteries around the world. These will be held on Thursday evenings at 19:00 BST (London time), 30 July-3 September on Zoom. More information is available HERE. The programme of presentations is given below:
30 July 2020: In the first of the series, Fr Tikohn (Vasilyev) will introduce us to Holy Dormition St Nicholas St Basil Monastery, Ukraine
6 August 2020: Annunciation Monastery, Ormylia, Greece will be described to us by professional storyteller Anna Conomos
13 August 2020: The beautiful painted monastery of Putna in Romania will be described to us by married couple Andreea and Morys Ireland
20 August 2020: Dr Anna Rogozhina will tell us about Optina Monastery in Russia, home of the famed Optina Elders whose morning prayer is renowned
27 August 2020: The monastery of the Transfiguration in Ellwood City, Pennsylvania in the USA will be described to us by Mother Seraphima
3 September 2020: Amal Morcos will talk to us about the monastic revival in Lebanon

Conversations on faith in - What am I really worried about, Christ is coming in glory
Fellowship of Saint Alypius the Stylite (of Saint Sava's parish in London) organised a Zoom meeting on Thursday 4th June 2020 at 7pm.
Topic: What am I really worried about, Christ is coming in glory
The guest was Fr. Christodoulos Christodoulou from the Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Nectarios in Battersea.
You can watch the video here.