Evening talk "The Orthodox Church in America" - 12 June 2019
St Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in London organise an Evening Talk on Wednesday 12th June 7.30 pm (after vespers). Our guest is Protinica Radmila Bojovic from Serbian Orthodox Diocese of Western America & St Sebastian Orthodox Press. The title of her talk is “The Orthodox Church in America” (in English/Serbian). Everyone is welcome
Church choir quartet concert - 9 June 2019
We have the pleasure of welcoming the church choir quartet “Soboryane” from Grodno, Belarus on Sunday, 9th June. Choir director is Fr. Vladimir, priest of the Russian Orthodox Church in Grodno. The choir will hold a concert after the Liturgy, approximately at 12.00 noon in Saint Sava’s church near Ladbroke Grove tube station. There is no charge for the concert but there will be a retiring collection to help fund the Grodno church charity activities. Please do join us and help support this choir with your presence and donations.

Twenty Years since NATO’s War against Serbia/Yugoslavia
Invitation to a Remembrance and Discussion Event
Monday, 10th June 2019
Serbian Orthodox Church of St Sava, Bishop Nikolaj Community Centre
On the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the Round Table of Serbian organisations and community groups in the United Kingdom invites you to commemorate the victims and participate in a discussion of the war and its consequences for the region.
The main programme for the evening will be:
19.00 Memorial Service at St Sava’s Church
19.30 - 20.30 Presentations in the Community Centre
Speakers (confirmed):
Philip Hammond, Professor of Media and Communications
Marko Gasić, International Affairs Analyst
Misha Gavrilović, Co-Chairman of the British-Serbian Alliance for Peace
Tara McCormack, Lecturer in International Relations
Chair: Michael Stenton, Lecturer in Strategic Studies, Brixham, Devon
20.30 -20.50 Break and refreshments
20.50 -21.30 Contributions from the floor and Questions & Answers

St Elisabeth Convent Monastic Choir Concert - 26th May 2019
A monastic choir from St Elisabeth Convent from Minsk (Belarus) will perform in St Sava church in London, on Sunday 26th May 2019, at 12pm (after Divine Liturgy). There will be a special fair from St Elisabeth Convent Workshops after the concert. Admission fee: your voluntary contribution.